Our first term is over and you have all been working hard to develop good learning behaviours: listening carefully to lessons and instructions, completing work carefully and completely, checking your work over for errors, preparing for quizzes, and asking for help as needed. Learning behaviours are not about marks, they are things you do, every single day, to help your become a stronger student.
As we move deeper into term two, I would like you to share which learning behaviour(s) you are going to work on particularly hard. In today's response, and in a correct paragraph, please tell me which behaviours you have chosen. Also, listen (text-to-speech) to your comment prior to posting it to me.
As always, I look forward to reading your responses. I will make every effort to help you practice these learning behaviours.
Note: you can also use the text-to-speech to listen to this blog letter, prior to responding.
Love, Mrs. French
My learning behavior is to check my work over. I don’t check my work over much, so, that’s why I’m doing it this week. I’m going to do it on the spelling test tomorrow. I’m going to use my dictionary on the test. That’s what I’m doing this week.
Hello, Mrs. French,
This term I’m going to work particularly hard on preparing for tests and quizzes. I will try to study my spelling at home, at least two times a week. I will go on Mrs. French’s website and study before math tests. I will try to listen extra hard in class when you’re explaining science and S.S., so that I’m ready for tests. Now I guess we’ll see if my working harder will help support my grades.
Love Moose1watermelon
My main behavior is listing carefully in class.
I’m going to listen instead of fooling around.
I’m going to be kind to everybody in class.
I won’t talk if it’s not nice.
My main behavior is listing carefully in class.
Dear Mrs. French,
These are things I want to work on. Not calling out but putting my hand up. Also not talking to my buddy or talking rilly quite. One other way is I could lisen to instructions. Those are the things I want to work on. Love shark8strawberry
Dear Mrs. French,
These are behaviors I would like to improve.
I would like to improve raising my hand before speaking I usually forget. I don’t get up quietly and I need to work on it so I don’t disturb others. I start zoning out when I should be paying attention. So these are things that I need to work on.
Love, Jaguar4apple
I well work harder to be successful with my behaviors. I will try to look at the board wane I need to.
I will try to lessen to you wean I need to. I will try to work better in the classroom with my work.
I will try to be better with my behaviors.
My learning behaviors is to Cheek over my work and planner. my 2nd learning behavior
I to practice my math and recorder for
Jingle bells. My 3rd learning behavior
Is to practice my ss. 4th is to listen to math
When you are teaching us math . 5th is to
Practice my spelling city.
This term I am preparing for tests, and quizzes. I am preparing for tests and quizzes because usually I am not ready for them. So now I will take my words outside and practice them. And when I get inside I will practice even more. This term I am preparing for tests, and quizzes.
Hello Mrs. French :)
I think I need to work on checking my work over for errors. In spelling quizzes, I use capitals by accident. So I want to try to fix that. This spelling quiz I’m going to try to check for capitals, and try to get eleven out of ten. Sometimes I don’t know what the bonus is, so I get it wrong. But it’s just the bonus so it doesn’t really matter. I think I’m doing pretty well though.
Hey Mrs. French I have the things I need to work on. Listening better in math class. Using the proper equipment, for the work I need to do. Finely I will try my best to get my work done faster. Thanks for reading my comment
sincerely racoon3melon
This is my blog about my learning behaviours. I am not having the best year for grade so this term I am going to have better learning behaviours. I am going to not talk as much when I do my work so I will get better grades. Right now I try not to talk as much in class I try to get my work done king of fast but really good. That is my class behaviour witch I will try to keep not talk as much as I allways do.
Dear Mrs. French some of the learning behaviors like being respectful to others. Helping people when they need help or help when hurt don’t talk to others when not aloud. Be on time from recess.
My beviour is kinda good because sometimes cause I day dream. And I sometimes I don’t know what to do in class. and I don’t study that much on math and spelling tests. And I need to work on not run in the hall way and were indoor shoes. And those are the things I need to work on.
Salutations Mrs. French,
These are the learning behawviors that I have choosen that I think I am having trobhle with. The first thing I have choosen is being nice to myself when I don’t get a grade or a mark that I expected myself to get . The second thing on is playing nice on the playground. The last thing I need to work on is being nice to myself and others in my surrondings like my community. Those are the learning behaviors I need to work on.
Love Moose7strawberry
Deer mis:French
Be mien to mi fraen’s and ather. I wot call them name .I’ll be nies to the.
Be mien to them. I promeies.
I went to boing on my brthda
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